After a long (9 month) haitus, now that everyone is spread out across the country again, I'll restart this blog.
Since the last post: I returned to school, had a wonderful senior year filled with lots of studying, good friends, and good memories; I earned my BS in Physics, I won the Heaps Prize for the best undergraduate physics thesis for my research project (We saw nanotubes, email me and I'll get you a copy of my thesis). That one paragraph will have to pathetically suffice for the entire year's summary.
I'm moved in back home looking for employment full time. Its curious to note that James, a history major, has a job while I, a physics major, don't. I'm currently aiming work in a research lab. I've applied at ARL UT and will be applying to other similar locations as I find opportunities. Working at ARL UT would be a rather ideal job - working in Austin, doing research, stay near to a large university in a fun city, and have the opportunity for good connections to graduate schools.
Lately, my interest is in renewable energy. I feel that energy is an important issue the world faces and also something I could work on passionately. For an interesting look at the world energy crisis, check out the stream from the Lewis Group at Caltech ().