Thursday, June 29, 2006

New Car

So the process of life after college continues. On one hand its kind of a downward spiral of debt that you are continuously trying to pull out of. On the other hand, its pretty cool and you get to do a lot of stuff that you've never done before. One of the cunundrums of life after college is money - you don't have any so you can't do anything. So like any good American, I go a little more in debt and buy a car. I figure now I can look for jobs more effectively and gain a little independance. So here it is, a 1996 Saturn SL1. Dark Green, 100K miles.

This was my first car buying experience. I get the impression that its cold hard capitalism at work. Everyone wants to make a sale at the highest price, and put as little money into fixing the used car as possible. I looked at blue book prices, I checked with mechanics, I test drove the car, I did all sorts of stuff. I think the only way to do it is be a mechanic and be able to fix the cars you buy. Here's hoping this car turns out to be a million mile car!

Mmmm, 4th of July weekend for the next 4 to 5 days... Will post pics and hopefully video of kite tubing and wakeboarding.

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