Friday, December 29, 2006

Winter Break

Break is going well. It feels nice to have a break - it sounds like actually having a job is kind of a bumb deal in that you dont get a winter break. My parents take time off, but it seems to be such a stressor. Fortunately I quit my job.
My sister Lynn graduated in December from the University of Michigan with a masters in social work. Way to go Lynn! So we threw a rockin party in her honor on the saturday before christmas. Unless my parents have had more parties than I know of, this one ranked in the top three with our previous graduataion parties.
Christmas was a ton of fun! Thoguh I may damn our materialistic society, I must say it was nice to get stuff. I got a sweet book on fly fishing, a 65 cm excercise ball, some cash, a climbing helmet, a summit/ultralight pack, slippers, a nice wool sweater, and some other stuff.
Also, I bought myself a nintendo wii. Its pretty amazing. I like it for the fact that its a social gameing console and that it has worked to revolutionize the way games are played - in a much more active (rather than passive) manner. So far wii sports are fun, though a little limited and graphically unimpressive (raising the question of whether they tried or not). Your character (your mii) has no legs or arms, but has hands. That said, its still pretty fun and social - even my parents played and enjoyed. Zelda is an amazing game that I think is setting the first person control starndards for the wii. I'm excited to have one.
Just got back from some snow-boarding in WI with Wade and company. It was good. I'll try and post the video of Kara (wade's sister trying to do a jump).

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