Brief research update: More of the same really. Progress is slower than it should be as me and my research companion are left to read thesis and quasi related texts all day while we wait for some expert advise (our expert advisor is usually busy). We are on the verge of collecting useful Raman data from the ozone and thus on the verge of starting the construction of the new part of our apparatus (nanotube holder and spectrometer). So I've been working on learning some coding skills (labview and python) and then just reading of physics texts in hopes of prepping for the GRE a little.
So I've been climbing pretty hard lately. Sadly its only in the gym. But hey, climbing is climbing. I've been doing a lot more bouldering (low to the ground without a rope) lately. Its a lot more of an anerobic strength work out. I find myself just dog tired for a day or two after a hard bouldering session. It feels great! I really feel that I'm getting a lot stronger. Its hard to see any results as far as climbing harder grades since the grading is so flakey (particularly in the gym).
So this post as you can see has nothing to do with covert ops. It just seemed like a cool title to get people interested.
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